
Was Xv Meant to Continue Xiii

Before I start I wanna clarify to some bullies around here who sees the title of this thread and make some stupid wild assumption:No I'm not a hater,I actually like FFXV.Okay now that's out of the way............

A big misconception that's been going around is that because Versus XIII was announced ten years ago way back in 2006 that means the actual development cycle of the game was truly a decade.

At first I used to think that's the case too until I learned more and more about the development process that goes into that type of games and the conclusion is:No,not even close to ten years(Gee,Square Enix announcing games too early?That never happened befoooooooooooore xD)

Sure it was announced 10 years ago but the actual workload for the game didn't even start until late 2012 to 2013.Not even the 2011 trailer shown at the 1st Production Department Premeire convention that Square held was real especially with how vastly different it looked compared to the 2013 and onward trailers

What we saw from 2006 all the way up to 2011 was more or less just CG proof of concept trailers with no tangible showcase of what the plot was supposed to be and the 2011 footage wasn't even from a playable built as we never saw those footage being demoed at any point on an actual Ps3 back when the game was announced for it.

In short,what Nomura and the previous team working on the game did between 2006 and 2011 was a complete and utter unpresentable mess that Square,for the longest time,had no idea how to showcase\reveal to the public in a presentable fashion as quite frankly,little to nothing was written for the story beyond designs by Roberto Ferrari for characters like Ardyn who was designed back in 2010 and wouldn't appear until the 2013 rereveal of the game being reworked into FFXV(with the exception of Aranea who did appear in the 2011 trailer with no reveal to her identity or role besides that she's a female dragoon and that's it).

The supposed fanboys of Versus XIII(really how can something that never even existed\materialized had it's own fanbase is beyond me) claim that Tabata supposedly "Ruined Nomura's vision for Versus XIII) and demand a quote unquote "remake for Versus" which baffles the mind to no end.

For the past decade or so Nomura was directing not one,not two,not three,not four,but FIVE DIFFERENT KINGDOM HEARTS GAMES:358\2 Days,Birth by Sleep,Coded\Recoded,Dream Drop Distance and Chi\Unchained X.You can't possibly tell me that him working on this never detracted from his work on Versus XIII especially when different staff members were constantly being pulled from it into other projects(without mentioning the people who left Square Enix during that) especially when it was revealed later on that he's also working on KH3 which was revealed in 2013.Not to mention two Dissidia games,The World Ends with You and some other small projects

Which brings me to the answer that's more or less obvious by now.But the actual real dev time for Final Fantasy XV was three years which was exactly the period Tabata took over the project as a director.

Hajime Tabata never ruined whatever "vision" Nomura had for the game when said vision never materialized to something worth a damn to begin with(At one point in 2013 he meant for the game to be  A FREAKIN MUSICAL). The reason why the game felt rushed and a lot of content was cut out of the final product was because,simply put,the three year development cycle was simply not enough.Throughout the years we've seen constant changes to the gameplay as everything from the 2013 trailer was more or less either gone or changed to something completely different heck even what we played in episode Duscae was completely changed.

The state Nomura left the project in was simply put:Hell incarnate.The three year period was just not enough yet Tabata and his new team persevered to put out the game on such a strict time limit because any further delay for the game after the September delay would kill all the hype the game built and would pretty much ruin whatever plan they had for the 30th anniversary in 2017 and FF16.

Aside from the general concept and maybe the designs of the pre-2010 cast,Nomura's vision for XV\Versus XIII barely if ever existed so for people to just randomly shit on Hajime Tabata for little to no reason is just preposterous.He did all he can to save this game from being an unpresentable shitfest and there was no way the final product wouldn't suffer from the huge cuts it endured with such a limiting,restrictive development time

If anything I personally blame Nomura more than anyone else for what XV suffered and I blame Square Enix in general for never learning their lesson with their bloated and anti-dev stupid Luminous Engine and Crystal Tools Engine that were nightmares to develop for.Sure they produced very visually impressive graphics but everything else from gameplay to story from 2007 onward suffered.That and I also blaming Square for never having a clear idea what to do with Nomura as a director.Never giving the chance for other producers and directors to try and be in charge and instead assigning the same guy to buttload of projects all at once leading to some of them to suffer severely in cost of finishing others.And not to mention their infamous practice of announcing games waaaay too early before they even make an alpha build for any of them


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